Per Ringo's request, I'm submitting an application to rejoin you guys!
So some of you who don't know me may ask, who is this guy? For the original Walkers, I was better known as Sabrar (Sabby) back in EQ. I've known Vimes, Beli, and Ringo (among others) through MMOs for close to 12 years now. I rejoined the family in Sawed-Off for a bit back in 2007 on my Paladin, but later left to pursue end-game raiding content. I eventually transferred servers to Moon Guard where I immersed myself in the RP aspects of this game. More recently, my wife (Lunarra) convinced me to return "home" so that we could enjoy the game together again. And here we are.
I've left the Paladin behind (who in my own RP storyline has become the DK you now see before you) and come back to you with a well geared DK. I'm a competent, veteran raider and a mature gamer who typically gets along with everyone. At this point in my WoW journey, I'm just looking to come back home to spend more time with my wife and with people I've known for a very long time whom I've always enjoyed playing with.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Humbly yours,
- Mithis Graymane
- Private
- Posts:167
- Location:Chicago
EQ -> WoW -> Tabula Rasa -> EVE -> Warhammer -> Rift -> SW:TOR
Re: Application
I have Mithis to blame for my MMO addiction; he introduced me to EQ when we were first dating. I am very excited that he came to his senses and returned to Silver Hand as I missed him a lot in game. So please invite!!
Seriously, he is a veteran raider and PvPer and would make a a great (re-)addition to the guild.

Seriously, he is a veteran raider and PvPer and would make a a great (re-)addition to the guild.

Re: Application
Although I wasn't around when you were originally I am looking forward to seeing you in game. Welcome.
Re: Application
Good to see you back, Sab, about time you realized we are, and always have been, the best. 

This world may be another planet's hell.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}