Application to join the Guild
Hello all. My name is Lolidom and after a great deal of poking and prodding from Alli and Z I've made my way to the Sawed Off forums to make an application to join there highly recommended guild. (oh, and Alli and Z call me Issy, just to clear any confusion before it starts. ^^; )
Um, lets see. A little about myself. I just returned to retail wow after not having played since before BC came out. For a short time I'll admit to playing on a free server (absolutely no funds made it impossible to play retail wow at the time. If I hadn't gotten so in to the lore books I wouldn't have done it) but it was shut down in January and I've been wow-less up till a month or so ago when Alli and Z literally sat on me and forced me to to come back to the [strike]dark[/strike] light side.
So far I have 3 alliance and 2 horde characters all between 7 and 21 including my cute little lvl 21 demonology spec gnome warlock (Loli).
I am a major wow lore nut. I am always up to discussing and learning more on this subject and have a large collection of books including 2 archives, a dozen single books, and the recently released WotLK hard back (couldn't resist. I liked Arthas before he went nutty). I'll admit that most of what I know revolves around the Horde, though, since I was 100% Horde until Alli introduced me to Gnomes. <3 Because of my obsessive compulsive nature with lore I love to role play and write fiction based around my characters.
In the real world I am a 22 year old female college student trying to get a degree in art, specifically character and graphic design. As such I often end up drawing all of my characters in one way or another including a dozen or so mini comics and one liners of my characters "epic" exploits in the wow-verse (though they need inking and scanning...I should probably do that eventually....>>).
Heh....a "little" about myself there hu? I hope it wasn't too much of a tl;dr and I hope to make some friends around here even if I'm not accepted. ^w^
Uuuu Character Sheet if needed?
Um, lets see. A little about myself. I just returned to retail wow after not having played since before BC came out. For a short time I'll admit to playing on a free server (absolutely no funds made it impossible to play retail wow at the time. If I hadn't gotten so in to the lore books I wouldn't have done it) but it was shut down in January and I've been wow-less up till a month or so ago when Alli and Z literally sat on me and forced me to to come back to the [strike]dark[/strike] light side.
So far I have 3 alliance and 2 horde characters all between 7 and 21 including my cute little lvl 21 demonology spec gnome warlock (Loli).
I am a major wow lore nut. I am always up to discussing and learning more on this subject and have a large collection of books including 2 archives, a dozen single books, and the recently released WotLK hard back (couldn't resist. I liked Arthas before he went nutty). I'll admit that most of what I know revolves around the Horde, though, since I was 100% Horde until Alli introduced me to Gnomes. <3 Because of my obsessive compulsive nature with lore I love to role play and write fiction based around my characters.
In the real world I am a 22 year old female college student trying to get a degree in art, specifically character and graphic design. As such I often end up drawing all of my characters in one way or another including a dozen or so mini comics and one liners of my characters "epic" exploits in the wow-verse (though they need inking and scanning...I should probably do that eventually....>>).
Heh....a "little" about myself there hu? I hope it wasn't too much of a tl;dr and I hope to make some friends around here even if I'm not accepted. ^w^
Uuuu Character Sheet if needed?
Re: Application to join the Guild
Hi Loli, nice to meet you. Now, before someone else beats me to the punch (and don't worry if you don't get it, you're young).....
Loli, Loli get your adverbs here...
Ok, got that out of my system. Look forward to talking to you in game, so you can get to know more of us. Not sure if you were warned, we have some crazies in SO, some also most as nuts as me, so be prepared. As for lore there are quite a few people who share your passion *cough Widge cough* so you that's covered. We also have a forum just for stories, so go ahead and post some for us to read, Messages from the Underground.
Loli, Loli get your adverbs here...
Ok, got that out of my system. Look forward to talking to you in game, so you can get to know more of us. Not sure if you were warned, we have some crazies in SO, some also most as nuts as me, so be prepared. As for lore there are quite a few people who share your passion *cough Widge cough* so you that's covered. We also have a forum just for stories, so go ahead and post some for us to read, Messages from the Underground.
This world may be another planet's hell.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
Re: Application to join the Guild
Gah. Ya. I have, um, issues with grammar. Especially adverbs.
Spelling and proper adverb forms hate me. (ask Alli. I'm pretty bad.) TT-TT I apologize. Probably should have said that before. ^^;
Oh yes. I was warned. I, um, think I'm ready for it. >> X3 And oh yes. The underground seems to be my sort of place. I think I shall be spending lots of time there. ^w^ (dont worry. I usually beta my work before it goes up to correct grammar issues.
Thank you for the warm welcome. I just knew a guild that Alli gushed about so much would have to be all she said and more.

Oh yes. I was warned. I, um, think I'm ready for it. >> X3 And oh yes. The underground seems to be my sort of place. I think I shall be spending lots of time there. ^w^ (dont worry. I usually beta my work before it goes up to correct grammar issues.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I just knew a guild that Alli gushed about so much would have to be all she said and more.
Re: Application to join the Guild
This had nothing to do with your spelling or grammar, it is actually a play on your name using an OLD Schoolhouse Rock episode, the one about adverbs. The quoted line is the catch phrase from the adverb episode. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I really didn't pay attention to spelling or grammar in your original post, in fact it was a very good introductory post.Loli, Loli get your adverbs here...
This world may be another planet's hell.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
Re: Application to join the Guild
Schoolhouse Rock! Wow Clou at 22 Loli wasn't born when that went off the air:)
Welcome Loli:)
Welcome Loli:)
Re: Application to join the Guild
Geez. Now I feel young. I'm use to being an older member on message boards. Total 180. O.O 

Re: Application to join the Guild
LOL, Clou you messed that one up. nice find lhats.
anyway yes this is my Issy, lovers her to death even if she does play horde.
anyway yes this is my Issy, lovers her to death even if she does play horde.

Re: Application to join the Guild
Allisiah wrote:LOL, Clou you messed that one up. nice find lhats.
anyway yes this is my Issy, lovers her to death even if she does play horde.
You started as a BELF, by the way.

Image provided via broken network technology.
Re: Application to join the Guild
And the truth finally comes out hm? >:P
No matter what I do, my Forsaken and Silvy will always have my heart. <3
No matter what I do, my Forsaken and Silvy will always have my heart. <3

Re: Application to join the Guild
I knew the spelling was Lolly, but that wouldn't have been as good as substituting Loli, since Loli is what her name starts with. Trust me, I watched that, and the rest of the Schoolhouse Rock shows, about 500 times each when I was a kid, I kind of liked cartoons, and still do.
This world may be another planet's hell.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
Re: Application to join the Guild
you know, I only started out as a belf because I thought they were pretty. but come to find out..I suck as a pally. so shut it Z.zeiram wrote:You started as a BELF, by the way.

Re: Application to join the Guild
Nothing wrong with that.zeiram wrote: You started as a BELF, by the way.