Hey Sawed Off
Hey folks! I haven't played for well over a year and logged onto Xanaux for the first time yesterday in such a long time. Just wanted to say hi and if you see me on, don't be shocked. I will likely continue to be the quiet one. Just checking out Cataclysm and seeing if it will be what I'm looking for. I really ran out of new things to do with WOW that my schedule permitted me to do. I'm just not in a position to raid for any amount of significant time. Pick up groups always sucked and trying to learn all the nuances of different dungeons was a pain. I was on the achievement kick for about 3 months which was fun, but then that ran dry. PVP became way too hard. The game just lost it's luster. Just not sure if I'll ever get back the original excitement, however Cataclysm is a great reason to jump back in. Sorry I didn't say goodbye when I left for so long, but the time got filled with other things, and I became complacent about it all. Any rate, enough rambling. Just wanted to say hi.
Xanaux / Jendrick
Re: Hey Sawed Off
Good to see you will be playing again, Jen.
This world may be another planet's hell.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.{Aldous Huxley}